2020 Human Development Conference: Development on the Move

- (part of a series)

2020 Hdc

Development on the Move: Global Strategies Informed by Local Contexts

We are living in an age where challenging issues are transcending national and international boundaries. Issues such as climate change, resource scarcity, and mass migration demand global cooperation and a broad understanding of the world’s many cultural and political contexts. As technology advances, globalization necessitates ideation and implementation of development strategies that are inherently tied to the dynamic nature of many of the main issues of the 21st century. These strategies include recognizing the importance of global institutions that are well-equipped to handle issues of transnational and intergenerational justice and policy. However, these strategies also must be underscored by attention to local contexts and insights drawn from grassroots community development efforts. 

Development on the Move not only addresses the need to understand and address issues from a global perspective but also calls each of us to action. This conference will emphasize the necessity of shifts in personal and collective action, the focus on and development of expertise in global issues, and sparking conversations that lead to change.


For more information: https://kellogg.nd.edu/2020-human-development-conference