Discussing Sustainable Urbanism during the Shamrock Series

Author: Mary Beth Zachariades


In November, the School of Architecture traveled to Boston as part of the 2015 Shamrock Series. An alumni reception gathered people from Boston as well as those who travelled from all over the country for the game against Boston College. The main event for for the School was a panel discussion entitled, The Future is Here: Boston as a Model for Sustainable Urbanism.

The public event was held at the historic Old South Meeting House, a venue that underscored Boston’s rich history. Associate Dean Dennis P. Doordan moderated a lively discussion in which panelists explored the inherent sustainability and public health benefits of traditional urban design. The panelists came from a variety of disciplines, each lending their unique perspective.

The panel was comprised of Michael Dennis, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture + Planning;  Nicole Stelle Garnett, John P. Murphy Foundation Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame, School of Law; Dr. Richard J. Jackson, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, Fielding School of Public Health; and Samantha L. Salden Teach, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies, University of Notre Dame School of Architecture.

Also in Boston, Prof. Salden Teach was selected to be the featured faculty member honored on the field during the game for her outstanding work. Learn more about her belief that sustainability has as much to do with understanding our past as it does with planning our future.

Originally published by Mary Beth Zachariades at architecture.nd.edu on December 14, 2015.