'Big Stu' the Squirrel is Nuts About Sustainability

Author: Andrew Cameron

Big Stu

On Tuesday, the Office of Sustainability revealed Big Stu to the world — the cartoon squirrel that will serve as the office’s new mascot.

Big Stu was designed by Office of Sustainability graphic design intern and senior Alyssa Carroll, and will be used in the office’s promotional and educational materials. So far, Stu has appeared on Facebook and Twitter, and has his own new Instagram account.

Carroll, a marketing and visual communications design double-major, has been working with the office since the beginning of her junior year. She said that she has focused on strengthening the Office of Sustainability’s brand and was inspired to begin designing a mascot based on old Office of Sustainability promotional materials.

“We found this really old poster from 10 or 15 years ago that some employee of the office had made, and [a squirrel] was on it, and all the interns and I were in love with him,” Carroll said. “We put the poster up in our office. Having these conversations about rebranding, it crossed my mind that maybe that would be a good way for people to relate to sustainability.”

On Monday, the Office of Sustainability’s social media accounts made posts teasing a new mascot — before revealing the character the following day, on National Squirrel Appreciation Day...

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