La Quince Santa Ana, A Case for Sustainable Urban Revitalization from a Developer’s and an Architect’s perspective | A Lecture from Ricardo Arosemena & KC Hardin



The historic and deteriorated neighborhood of Santa Ana, in the center of Panama City, is both in need of and potentially threatened by imminent development.  La Quince is an urban revitalization project intervening a cluster of properties that attempts to balance the needs of the community with the expectations of its investors.

Keyes KC Hardin is the founder and CEO of Conservatorio, a real estate development company that has worked for over fifteen years on a model for sustainable urban revitalization that tries to answer the question of “what Jane Jacobs would have done had she also had a responsibility to investors."

Ricardo Arosemena, of Arosemena & Soundy Arquitectos and Arosemena & Way, architects of La Quince, is interested in the way that identity and the spirit of a place can express themselves in architecture and the role that those play in the making of human habitats that are sustainable and facilitators of good lives.

KC and Ricardo will talk about their approach, motivations and goals in La Quince and about their process of finding common ground for successful collaborations.  The talk will cover business rationale, inherent tensions involved in approaching revitalization projects sustainably, and key real estate development concepts that architects should keep in mind in order to work effectively with developers and influence the outcome of projects.

VIRTUAL EVENT: Pre-registration is required to receive AIA CEC (if available), a certificate of participation, and/or participate in conversation.

Click here to register.

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