Testing theory and quantifying contingency: How distributed experiments advance ecological knowledge


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Elizabeth Borer is Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at the University of Minnesota.

Borer Webheadshot

Dr. Borer's expertise is in Nutrient Network (NutNet), Nitrogen deposition, Global change, Biodiversity, Ecosystem function, Grasslands. In her research, she examines the ways that global changes like nitrogen deposition, carbon dioxide emissions, and species invasions and extinctions interact to control the composition and function of ecological communities. Her two primary areas of research include quantifying how these global changes (1) affect disease transmission and risk and (2) control biodiversity and ecosystem function. She primarily works in grasslands studying plants, insects, and disease, though my interests reach far beyond this biome.

Dr. Borer earned her Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2002. 

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