Last Day to Access AASHE Sustainability Conference

Location: Online

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Did you miss out on AASHE's annual Global Conference on Sustainability? There's still time to register and take advantage of conference resources including Keynote Talk recordings on Environmental Justice, the intersection of Sustainability and Workers' rights, and more. 

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education’s (AASHE’s) virtual Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education is the largest annual gathering for exchanging effective models, policies, research, collaborations and transformative actions to advance sustainability in higher education and our communities. This year's theme is "Mobilizing for a Just Transition". GCSHE features 3 full days of live content and networking, and on-demand access to event recordings through November 22.

As a Host Institution, we have unlimited registration passes any member of the Notre Dame Community. All you need is a Notre Dame email address! 

Click HERE to register.

Use your Notre Dame email address only ( Other email addresses (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) will not work with the discount code!

Enter Notre Dame's discount code (NDEDU100220) at checkout to finish your free registration. 

Any University of Notre Dame student, staff or faculty member is welcome to join!

Visit the AASHE Website for more information and the conference schedule.

Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability and the Minor in Sustainability.