ND Energy Bouts...What Would You Fight For?


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Energy Bouts 2020

If you had $100 million to donate for innovative research in the fields of solar, wind, and/or nuclear energy, how would you distribute it? Join ND Energy for a rematch between three prominent Notre Dame researchers who will attempt to persuade you to give them your virtual votes.

Meet the contenders:

  • Peter C. Burns, Henry Massman Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences; Concurrent Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Director, NNSA Actinide Center of Excellence (ACE); and Director, ND Energy (representing nuclear)
  • Prashant V. Kamat, Rev. John A. Zahm Professor of Science, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Radiation Laboratory; Concurrent Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (representing solar)
  • Scott C. Morris, Professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Director of Research, Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory (representing wind)

Registration for this event must be made no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 24. Students may also register for a 30-minute breakout session with Prof. Peter Burns after the event.

Go here for details and registration

Featured as part of ND Energy's 14th Annual Energy Week