What's It Really Like: Michael Grady


Location: 143 DeBartolo Hall (View on map )

Michael Grady

"What’s It Really Like?” is a series of small discussion groups of undergraduate students and people working in the field of energy and sustainability.

Michael Grady, ND class of ‘77, is the owner/manager of Eireann Emerald Solutions, a consulting firm focusing on green power and stormwater infrastructure. He is also the prime consultant for Innergex Renewables, where he develops utility-scale renewable energy projects with First Nations in Canada and Native American Tribal Governments. Grady has worked for Governor Inslee’s Energy Office, Mobil Research, universities in Washington State and Idaho, NOAA, and the U.S Air Force. He also served two terms as a City Council member for Mercer Island

All students and postdoctoral scholars are welcome to attend. If you are interested in meeting with a small group of students to ask Mike what it’s like to work in his fields, contact Anne Pillai, apillai@nd.edu by Thursday, Oct. 10. 

Originally published at energy.nd.edu.