Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium


Location: Galleria, Jordan Hall of Science (View on map )

Reu 1

Undergraduate students conducting research this summer in laboratories across campus will showcase their research projects during the Summer Undergraduate Research SymposiumThe symposium will be held on Wednesday, July 24, from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. in the Jordan Hall of Science, Galleria. Two poster sessions will be held from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and from 10:45-11:45 a.m. This event is open to anyone interested in supporting undergraduate education and learning more about the research programs at Notre Dame!

The list of students, their project titles, and schedules are provided below along with the complete abstract book.  

Full Roster and Schedules

Abstract Book

Student Presenters

Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to Wednesday, July 17, at noon!

Students interested in presenting a poster during the symposium should submit a faculty-approved abstract of 500 words or less at the following link: (CLOSED)

Student presenters will be assigned to one of the poster sessions and notified of the time once the schedule has been finalized. The final schedule and abstract booklet will be posted closer to the event. All poster presenters are encouraged to invite their group members, friends, and family to attend. Following the final poster session, a celebratory luncheon will be held for presenters and their faculty advisors/mentors.

Symposium Schedule
9:00-9:15 AM Set up Poster (All Presenters)
9:30-10:30 Poster Session 1
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Poster Session 2
11:45-12:00 PM Take down Poster (All Presenters)
12:00-1:00  Luncheon for Presenters and Advisors/Mentors (by invitation only)
In Preparation of the Symposium

The following seminars have been scheduled to help students prepare for the symposium:

  • “Creating Effective Posters” by Prof. David Go, Thursday, July 11, 8:45 – 10:00 a.m., 105 Jordan Hall of Science

This talk will  focus on how to design a scientific poster that attracts the reader’s eye, presents the correct amount of background to set your research problem in context, and conveys your research results clearly and without hyperbole. This talk also covers the “poster blurb,” a 30-second to 3-minute oral presentation that can, if done correctly, leave the reader with a deeper appreciation for the significance of your results, your technical skills and intellectual contribution to the research project, and your professionalism. Finally, Professor Go will cover the mechanics of how to put the poster graphics together and get your poster printed.

  • “Creating a 3MT Elevator Pitch” by Erik Simon, Graduate Career Consultant, Wednesday, July 17, 12:00-1:00 p.m., B01 McCourtney Hall

Effective communications is an important skill for career development and everyday life. This talk will help students prepare for the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium and will focus on creating a well-organized and effective oral presentation for their research posters. Similar to a “three-minute elevator pitch”, students will learn the basics of effective communications and will be able to develop a concise and meaningful explanation of their research projects for a broader audience.

For more information about professional development and social events for summer researchers, visit Summer Research on the ND Energy website.  

Participating REU and Fellowship Programs

The REU and Fellowship programs participating in the 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium include the Center for Research ComputingChemical and Biomolecular EngineeringND EnergyND InternationalNDnano, St. Mary’s CollegeThe Graduate School, and Wireless Institute.


Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium Screen Ad​​​​​​


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