VegFest Film Fest Screening: Eating Animals


Location: Browning Cinema, DPAC

Eating Animals Film

Join us for the screening of three documentary films leading up to the Michiana VegFest. Each documentary in the “VegFest Film Fest” considers one of three interrelated themes: the environment, health, and animals. Thanks to Notre Dame’s generosity and to PlantPure Nation’s screening permission, each film will be entirely free. We will show them on the three Sundays before VegFest, at the Browning Cinema.

Eating Animals (Dir. Christopher Quinn, 2018)- Loosely based on the bestselling book by Jonathan Safran Foer and narrated by Natalie Portman, this film examines the environmental, economic, and public health consequences of factory farming. Critics Consensus: “Eating Animals' thoughtful analysis and exploration of corporate farming is impressive, given the scope of the topic” (Rotten Tomatoes).  Watch the trailer.