Energy Markets and Large-Scale Integration of Renewables


Location: B036 Geddes (View on map )

Vijay Gupta

Vijay Gupta is Professor and Associate Chair of Graduate Studies in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Notre Dame.

Dr. Gupta's current research interests are in the broad area of design of large scale networked systems with applications to the emerging smart and integrated architecture of societal infrastructure such as transportation networks, power grid, and water distribution networks. In particular, he applies tools from different branches of systems theory to solve problems in various layers - physical, cyber, and human - of these systems to ensure efficiency, safety, resilience, and sustainability. More information about his research group and publications can be found here.

He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 2001 and California Institute of Technology in 2007. He was a research associate at the Institute for Systems Research at the University of Maryland, College Park for a year and has been at the University of Notre Dame since then.

Dr. Gupta will focus on the grid market structure and illustrate how it is coming under stress with the increased prevalence of renewables and discuss the direction of the work being done in his research group to solve such problems.

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