Environmental Network of Northern Indiana 2018 Environmental Action Kick-Off and Lunch


Location: 1001 Wiekamp Hall, Indiana University of South Bend, 1700 Mishawaka Ave.


The Environmental Network for Northern Indiana (ENNI) will be getting an early start on environmental action in 2018! Please join us for our first meeting of the year on Saturday, January 27 at Indiana University South Bend from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 


The topic of the meeting will be building, sharing, and implementing conservation plans in our region. We’ll get started with a brief look at the new South Bend Parks Natural Resource Plan as a success in advocating for proactive environmental policy. The rest of the meeting will be devoted to two open discussions in which we’ll work together on conservation planning at the micro- and macro-levels for our region. Before lunch we’ll focus on residential landscape, developing answers to the questions: What should a healthy 1/8 acre look like in northern Indiana, and what should we do to foster healthy landscapes in our neighborhoods? After lunch, our macro-level planning discussion will focus on creating a conservation vision map at the regional landscape level, developing answers to the questions: Where should we be adding parks, preserves, and greenways, and how should we work to preserve and restore natural ecosystems and open spaces for recreation on a regional level? Our goal is to have a vision and a framework for action by the end of each discussion!



Lunch will provide open networking time: we encourage everyone to take advantage of the time to get to know folks you haven’t met before and learn about the environmental work they are doing! The spread (funded by the IUSB Center for a Sustainable Future’s Sustainability Fellows program) will be pizza and green salad. Please bring your own container for water: a bottle-filling station is conveniently located near our meeting space.



The meeting’s location will be 1001 Wiekamp Hall at IUSB, 1700 Mishawaka Ave. (The link takes you to a map of campus. A map to parking is here. Wiekamp Hall is on the south side of Mishawaka Ave., on the east side of IUSB’s main quad. Parking lots are located east and west of campus off of 20th St. and Esther St.)



We’ve planned a long meeting to give plenty of time for discussion, so you are welcome to attend whatever parts of the meeting you can. Please let us know if you will


__ Attend the morning discussion on healthy residential landscapes (11:30-12:30)


__ Attend the lunch (12:30-1:30)


__ Attend the afternoon discussion on conservation vision mapping (1:30-3:00)


Please RSVP to Chris Cobb at ccobb@saintmarys.edu