Is climate change driving cyanobacteria to remote lakes?


Location: McCourtney Hall B01

Join us for the Environmental Change Initiative’s 2016 Water Seminar Series on Thursday, October 27 from 12-1 pm. (lunch provided) in McCourtney Hall B01. This year the seminar will be given by:

Unnamed 2

Dr. Irena Frances Creed
Professor of Biology, Geography, Earth Sciences
Canada Research Chair
Western University

Oh, the places you’ll go! Is climate change driving cyanobacteria to remote lakes?

Climate change has resulted in higher rates of change in temperatures in lakes in the temperate biome compared to other biomes. Scattered throughout these temperate lakes are the emergence of apparently random cyanobacteria blooms.  Our search for understanding why some lakes are blooming, while others are not, leads us to formulate a new conceptual model.  Higher temperatures together with hydrological intensification of landscapes rich in organic matter deposits create the perfect storm for cyanobacteria blooms – where enhanced export of dissolved organic matter delivers nutrients to warm and stable lake waters that only cyanobacteria can access.

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